Missions For Haiti ~


The saying goes, “Don’t rely just on a word, go see for yourself,” and that we did! You always hear awful stories about Haiti (You know the history), so I can see why many try to avoid going there, but I feel you should not!

I went with Love Alive Church Ministry Mission Director, Carmia, to see about expanding their mission program to Haiti and we were amazed by our experience! Our hosts, Daniel and Matt with “Schools For Haiti,” were excellent! We visited six schools, an orphanage, and went on a mountain hike in the Montrouis, Côte des Arcadins area. We were overwhelmed by the love we received from the children, and what we witnessed.  Everything touched our hearts so dearly and motivated us, even more, to return to help Haiti.

Despite having extreme poverty in specific locations, there is beauty everywhere! I saw it with my own eyes, and you will see it too in some of my pictures below. The people and their culture are truly beautiful! The Haitian people have been through so much, yet still are resilient.

Don’t let anyone or anything discourage you from stepping into the unknown or a different territory, especially when you are doing “The Lord’s Work!” Yes, be safe and take caution no matter where you go, but again “See for yourself!” You never know what God has planned for you! Remember, always live with purpose!

I certainly need to learn some Creole asap! Haha! I can not wait to go back!


Myself, Kelli, And Carmia

Watch This Video

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Schools For Haiti Main Office

Hope School

Kelly School

Mrs. Kelly

Her late husband started the Kelly School.

Hope Home Orphanage

Alyssa Marie School

Lacey School

Where The Mission Team House Will Be Located Once Completed

Us And Matt ( Director Of Operations For Schools For Haiti)


Rock School

Grace School

We Served Lunch To The Children.

Daniel (Haiti Leader For Schools For Haiti)

Royal Decameron Indigo Beach Resort

The resort we stayed at for the duration of our trip.

Haitian Food

Creole Chicken, fish, pork, potatoes, noodles, orka, and rice.

Warning: Watch what you eat, especially if you have a sensitive stomach. Bring Imodium.

Mountain Hike

The views were just incredible!

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